About Rachel Held Evans

I found out through John Dickerson's tweet that Rachel Held Evans died on May 4, 2019.

I knew she was in the ICU because of a handful of progressive Christians I still follow on Twitter—one of the few remnant indicators of my religious past—mentioned her sudden health issues.

Her husband has been providing health updates on her blog as well. His last post recounts the experience of her death.

I knew a little about Rachel and her work during what I'd call my emergent-slash-liberal Christian phase, just before finally leaving the zoo. But it was reading through all the eulogistic tweets about her death, and people sharing some quotes of hers throughout the years, that her death left me surprisingly emotional.

Like this:

And this:

And this:

And also this:

I hope (and, if you believe in God how she did, that you pray) that her vision for Christianity comes true. It would make for a far better one.

Rest in peace, Rachel Held Evans.

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